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Lost Ark Sorceress Beginner’s Guide: Skills, Tripods, Engravings


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Lost Ark is the latest MMO to launch in the west, with there being plenty of new content and class to go through. One of them is the Sorceress, an elementalist that commands the power of fire, ice, and lightning to deal damage. We have made this guide for those who want to overlook what to expect from the Lost Ark Sorceress. You can expect an overview of the Lost Ark Sorceress’s skills, tripods, and general gameplay tips to make the most out of the advanced class.

Read More: Lost Ark Classes.

Lost Ark Sorceress Guide

The purpose of this Lost Ark Sorceress guide is to help beginners get a feel for what to expect from the class during the Lost Ark western release. The theory behind this guide looks at what players are already doing in Russia and Korea, helping to paint a picture of how the Sorceress operates with different end game builds.

In addition, this Lost Ark Sorceress guide will also highlight what the Sorceress skills and tripods are. All this means is the class has a variety of skills, which can get later upgraded to do extra benefits, such as bigger, badder, or more utility-focused skills for example. 

Lastly, we will explain Lost Ark’s jargon. Lost Ark has many class features that use wording not directly familiar with, allowing you to understand better the important aspects of the class you’ll eventually unlock.

Lost Ark Sorceress Skills and Tripods

Lost Ark Sorceress guide
The Sorceress commands fire, ice and lightning to slay her enemies.

This section will take a look at the current T3 builds that players are running. This is so you can get an idea of the types of Lost Ark Sorceress skills you’ll be levelling up and improving on in the late game. We’ll also highlight some need-to-knows before we give you examples of variable end game builds.

If you’re wondering what Tripod means, it simply means the buffs to your skills. Think of it like gemming in Path of Exile, except with a more traditional MMORPG talent tree. There tend to be shared tripods for skills across a class’ skills, and some even reappear across different advanced classes or subclasses if you will. 

When you first start playing this class, you will have fewer skills and will need to unlock some of the skills by levelling up. Feel free to play around with the early abilities and see which ones you like the most. That way you can also learn your class and try combos out yourself.

Regardless of build, you’re going to want Lightning Vortex or Blaze, as they both have a tripod skill called Damage Amplification that increases the damage the enemies take by your party by 6%. This is one of the things that make Sorceress utility great and it is great to you and your party buffs along the way.

Sorceress Identity Skills

Identity skills basically mean a character’s ultimate ability. Some of Lost Ark’s classes have two, while others have one. In this case, the Sorceress has two Identity skills: Arcane Rupture and Blink. You can spend some of your arcane gauge, which you passively fill while dealing damage to enemies. You can use one of these skills at 30%.

Arcane Rupture is your DPS identity skill, which increases the damage of your skill while in the form. However, if you use Arcane Rupture at 100% filled, it turns into Arcane Torrent and grants even more benefits. Meanwhile, Blink is your survival skill, that offers you a 15-meter teleport that can do pierce damage to enemies between you and your new teleport location,  

Lost Ark Sorceress Ignition Skills and Tripods

This build uses Sorceress Skills and Tripods that do much bigger damage and use a Magick Amplification tripod across several skills. This tripod increases the skill’s damage while you are in your Z identity skills, which you can use when you build up energy using skills on your enemies.

Sorceress Skills What it does Sorceress Tripod 1 Sorceress Tripod 2 Sorceress Tripod 3
Blaze Line attack that sends fire forward and paralyzes foes. Damage Amplification Charged Flame Undying Flame
Doomsday Calls forth a powerful fire meteor from the sky that crashes on and bursts on impact. Ignition Asteroid Magick Amplification
Estoric Reaction Sends arrows at a location and knocks enemies back. Quick Prep Enhanced Strike Stabilized Crystal
Explosion Sped time casting to launch a firebomb that detonates on impact Ignite Weakpoint Detection Magick Amplification
Frost’s Call Forst AOE effect placed on the floor that deals damage multiple times over a period of time Enlightenment Rule Enhancement Enhanced Strike
Inferno AoE Fire attack Rift Acceleration Charged Flame Firepower Supplement
Lightning Vortex Lightning zone on the floor that deals damage and pulls mobs closer. Damage Amplification Wide Angle Fierce Lightning
Punishing Strike Lightning strike from the sky. Mind Enhancement Electric Discharge Magick Amplification
Rime Strike Multiple ice arrows fly at the locations dealing damage Enlightenment Piercing Strike Ice Pick

Lost Ark Sorceress Reflux Skills and Tripods

This build uses skills and tripods that do more sustained damage. The Reflux build is much more reliable as it requires your skills to hit at the moment, rather than remaining where they are.

Sorceress Skills What it does Sorceress Tripod 1 Sorceress Tripod 2 Sorceress Tripod 3
Blaze Line attack that sends fire forward and paralyzes foes. Damage Amplification Flame Explosion Undying Flame
Elgian’s Touch Body Armor Quick Prep Swift Footwork Your choice
Estoric Reaction Sends arrows at a location and knocks enemies back. Quick Prep Enhanced Strike Stabilized Crystal
Frost’s Call Forst AOE effect is placed on the floor that deals damage multiple times in a channel. Enlightenment Rule Enhancement Enhanced Strike
Lightning Strike Throws lightning at the target area. Stabilize Wide Branched
Lightning Vortex Lightning zone on the floor that deals damage and pulls mobs closer. Damage Amplification Wide Angle Fierce Lightning
Punishing Strike Lightning strike from the sky. Mind Enhancement Unavoiding Fate Magick Amplification
Reverse Gravity Deal AOE damage around the player character. Wide Lava Area Weak Point Detection
Seraphic Hail Sends forth a tidal wave of hail at the enemy. Quick Prep Evolved Hail Red Hail

Lost Ark Sorceress Engravings

Lost Ark Sorceress Class Engravings
Here are the Sorceress Class Engravings.

There are two class engravings for the Lost Ark Sorceress, which are Igniter and Reflux. When you get to the endgame, you will get to chose which of these class engravings you want, which helps determine your playstyle.

If you like big burst on impact, then Igniter is your thing. However, if you like doing big crits and sustained casting, then Reflux will be more for you. See above for the types of skills and tripods you will use for the respected class engravings.

As for the other engravings, you’re going to want engravings that increase your damage, Things include engravings like Grudge, which increases the damage you do to bosses, while also increasing your damage. Do be warned it increases the damage you receive, which may not the best move if you’re still learning fights or how to play against opponents in PvP.

On the other hand, you’ll also want to look into Precise Dagger, as that increases your damage, while Cursed Doll increases your attack power. It’s not that important on Reflux as you get more crit tripods anyway but on Ignition, it is nice for that added crit in your huge burst windows.

You’ll also like Adrenaline, which is good for increasing your damage that stacks based on your damage output. All-out attack is a good one for players who opt for channelled skills as it increases the damage output and cast speed

You could even get MAX MP Increase or Magick Stream if you find that you have poor mana management. Suppose you’re also doing content that will hurt you. In that case, you can even opt for the Heavy Armor engraving, which increases your total defense skill by 20%, 50%, or 100%, depending on the level of the heavy armor engraving.

Most of these Sorceress engravings are situational and revolve around your personal issues and circumstances. Keep this in mind as you build your character for the content you are doing.

Lost Ark Awakening Skills

Each class in Lost Ark has two different Awakenings. You get the first at level 50, and you can then unlock another later on. The Sorceress Awakening Skills include one skill that summons a field of meteors from the sky that crash down, while another creates a giant static dome that deals damage to enemies stuck inside. The second is much more reliable, but the first can do more presuming that RNG of meteor hits are on your side.

Lost Ark Sorceress Gems

Like most MMOs, Gems are a feature that adds extra power to your character through an external gearing system. Gems tend to add extra bonuses to the character, such as skills speed, cooldown reductions, identity skill generation and more.

Sorceress gems are a bit tricky, and entirely depends on your class engraving playstyle. The Igniter build requires identity gauge generation gems, as your build will scale much more with the Arcane Torrent and Rupture identity skills. Meanwhile, the sustained Reflux build requires much more cooldown reduction gems to work. This should guide you to a loose idea of what are great Sorceress gems, per your intended end gameplay style.


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