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New Fleet of IMAX 65mm Film Cameras Under Development


New Fleet of IMAX 65mm Film Cameras Under Development

In a recent press release, IMAX announced the development of four new 15 perf/65mm film cameras over the next two years. This process sees a partnership with Kodak, Panavision, and FotoKem, as well as directors Jordan Peel and, of course, Christopher Nolan.

The IMAX format is well-known for being a synonym of an immersive experience. Its large 15 perf/65mm frame size results in an extremely high level of detail, vivid colours, and true-to-life images on the big screen.

Partnering up with Academy Award nominated directors and historic brands, IMAX is now taking the capabilities of this format to a new level. In fact, they are developing the next generation of large-format 65mm film cameras. Let’s take a closer look.

Christopher Nolan on the set of Dunkirk. Source: IMAX

New IMAX 65mm film cameras: a family of 4

According to the company, four new IMAX 65mm cameras are currently being developed and will be produced over the next couple of years. Indeed, the new models are already undergoing the prototyping stage and the first member of this family should see the light in 2023.

In this effort, IMAX is not alone. In fact, they are working in close partnership with Kodak, Panavision, and FotoKem. These legendary companies will keep providing support in developing 65mm film stocks, servicing and maintaining the cameras worldwide as well as constantly improving production and post-production workflows.

These rare film cameras are usually quite bulky and noisy. The company is investigating in ways to make them more silent, while also improving their operability. Moreover, they announced that their existing camera and lens system will also receive upgrades.

Christopher Nolan on the set of Dunkirk. Source: IMAX

Collaboration with Jordan Peele and Christopher Nolan

Besides cooperating with well-established companies, IMAX is also heavily relying on the creative feedback of famous cinematographers and directors. Two names stand out among others: Jordan Peele and Christopher Nolan.

Nolan is a master of this frame size and his latest movie “Oppenheimer” is unsurprisingly adopting the IMAX format. Peele’s “Nope” is also shot on 15 perf/65mm film and will be in theaters starting on July 22nd, 2022.

Christopher Nolan on the set of Dunkirk. Source: IMAX

The two seem to be pretty excited about the current development status of the new cameras and the creative possibilities ahead. Here’s what Nolan and Peel had to say about the upcoming camera models.

“IMAX film brings images to life. From resolution and color to sharpness and overall quality, there is nothing compared to using IMAX film cameras today. Filmmakers and movie fans worldwide should be thrilled at the prospect of new and improved IMAX film cameras – I know I am.

Christoper Nolan

“IMAX is movie magic pushed to its limit. When you see a film in an IMAX theater, it feels like you are there. It’s complete immersion, and there’s nothing quite like it. Shooting with the IMAX Film Cameras gave us a look and feel you can’t get anywhere else. And we are only at the beginning, there’s still so much to be explored in this format.

Jordan Peele

For more information, please visit IMAX’ website here.

Featured image credit: IMAX

Have you ever got the chance to get close to an IMAX camera throughout your career? Let us know your thoughts on the development of these new IMAX cameras in the comments below!


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