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Information on Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Incoming


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Tetsuya Nomura has revealed that we’re getting information of Final Fantasy VII’s 25th anniversary as soon as next month in a livestream promoting the new Final Fantasy VII battle royale title.

Final Fantasy VII News incoming?

Nomura stated in a stream for Final Fantasy VII First Soldier that they’re planning to reveal information for Final Fantasy VII’s 25th anniversary at some point next month, which tracks with the upcoming season of reveals and streams. It’s unclear at this point whether said information will include an official announcement of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, or if it’ll just be a much more general look at Final Fantasy VII as a beloved series.

Tetsuya Nomura was involved heavily in the creation of the original Final Fantasy VII all the way back in 1997, and helped to later create the Kingdom Hearts series of games. He also directed the Final Fantasy VII Remake, but will be stepping away from that role for the upcoming and inevitable sequel.

What is Final Fantasy VII First Soldier?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Best PS4 Games@2000x1270

Final Fantasy VII First Soldier is the battle royale take on Final Fantasy that was announced back in February 2021, and released at the tail end of last year. It’s a free-to-play mobile based battle royale game that is set thirty years before the events of the original Final Fantasy VII and is about the initial SOLDIER candidates that the Shinra Electric Power Company attempted to turn into their finest warriors. Due to the actual genre of the game it’s not really about the story, but it adds an interesting level of lore and depth to the original game, making one of the most beloved games of all time even deeper as a result of the background lore.


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