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How to change your appearance in Elden Ring guide


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Elden Ring’s character creator is a thing of beauty. The Next-Gen hardware is fully on display here, and the wide array of character appearances that you can make are a cut above the options in previous FromSoftware character creators. And, in a handy quality of life upgrade, Elden Ring gives you the option to completely overhaul your character’s appearance. No more are you locked into what your character looks like for the whole game. We’ll show you how to revamp your character as often as you’d like right here.

How to change your appearance in Elden Ring: Regrets and Renovations

Just like in previous FromSoftware games, Elden Ring’s character creator can be used to create some real abominations. You aren’t bound by realistic human features here. Turn the sliders up as far as they can go and watch as your character’s face morphs and distorts into something truly surreal. Ever seen a man so blue that he looks like he bleeds Colgate toothpaste? You just might in Elden Ring.

If you made a character like this when first booting up the game, then there’s a chance you may be experiencing some buyer’s remorse. The joke has worn off, and you’re stumbling around the Lands Between with a swollen purple face and a jaw like that juts out more than the tombstones dotting the landscape. Or maybe you made someone far too normal and would actually prefer your character to be outlandish and bizarre. No matter what tweaks you would like to make to your character’s appearance, this game has you covered.

Who’s the fairest of them all?

Early on in Elden Ring, you will be granted access to Roundtable Hold. This hub offers reliable access to a number of key vendors and NPCs. And it is also where you should go if you want to change your appearance.

hewg elden

Once in Roundtable Hold, head away from the main chamber and into the room where the Blacksmith Hewg is working. Rather than heading over to Hewg, take the first door to the right into Fia’s chambers. Rather than interacting with the Deathbed Companion, you can quite rudely ignore Fia for the purposes of this guide. Fia’s mirror is what you’re after here. Simply interact with the mirror, and it will bring up a character adjuster menu. Though it does not let you change your starting class, the mirror is more or less identical to the character creator from the beginning of the game. Feel free to use it to change your character however you wish!

More Elden Ring content

We’ve been waiting to get our hands on FromSoftware’s Elden Ring for so long, we almost can’t believe it’s finally arrived. Other than our Tier List, We’ll be here to walk you through every step of your journey through the Lands Between. Join us for all our Elden Ring content and guides over the coming days and weeks!


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