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Five signs that your phone’s battery is dying


Your smartphone isn’t very useful without a functioning battery. So, it’s important to know the signs that your battery is starting to die. Read ahead to find out what five signs point to the possibility that your battery is dying and how you can handle the replacement costs. 

1. The Performance Is Sluggish

Your smartphone’s performance is getting sluggish. The touchscreen doesn’t respond well to your fingers. You have to tap it several times to get a reaction. The apps take a long time to open and close, and browsing is so slow that you often give up your searches.  

Before blaming your battery, check to see whether you need to update your smartphone’s software. An older version can cause the same performance issues. If the software is up to date, then the likeliest culprit is your phone’s battery. 

2. It’s Heating Up

Your smartphone is constantly overheating. It gets hot to the touch and then shuts off on its own. Ironically, overheating can cause more damage to your battery and decrease its life expectancy.

3. The Power Drains Too Fast

You noticed that your phone’s battery power drains very quickly. You charge it up to 100%, but it doesn’t last for very long. Soon enough, the battery symbol turns red and tells you that you need to charge it all over again.

A dying battery might not be the culprit. Many smartphone users notice that their batteries drain in cold weather. So, if you’re walking out in a cold snap and your battery drops to zero, don’t panic about your phone. A virus could also be the culprit. Look at the common signs that your phone has a virus to see whether yours is infected.

4. The Reports Say So

Newer models of smartphones have found convenient ways to let customers know exactly when they should think about getting their batteries replaced. As a user, all you have to do is go into your phone’s settings and check the battery section to get the information you need. 

If your settings don’t reveal enough information, you can get in-depth reports on your phone’s battery health with apps like Battery by MacroPinch or AccuBattery by Digibytes. 

5. The Back Is Swollen

Does the back of your phone look thicker? Does it feel heavier in your hands? If you’ve noticed any weird swelling or bulging in the back, it’s likely that your battery has ruptured.

Do not continue to use your smartphone. Do not plug it into a charger. If it’s currently attached to a charger, pull it out and turn it off. Swollen batteries are dangerous and can catch fire or explode. The moment that you notice this problem, you should try to bring your device into a repair shop. 

Credit: Mary Taylor via Pexels 

The Cost of Repairs

In comparison to other smartphone repairs, replacing a battery is fairly inexpensive. You’re likely to spend less than $100 for the replacement, even when you’re out of warranty. So, if you notice any signs that your battery is dying, you should use your savings to cover this important repair and get your smartphone back in working condition. 

In certain cases, you might want to skip the repair and get a new smartphone. This is the best move when your smartphone is old or has acquired other expensive damages. You can cut your losses and get a brand-new device that’s in top condition.

If losing your smartphone is an emergency and you don’t have the savings to pay for a new phone, you should consider applying for a personal line of credit as a solution. If you get approved for a personal line of credit and your account is in good standing, you can withdraw the necessary funds to get a reasonable replacement. Once you’ve made the purchase, you can manage a steady schedule of repayments. 

You should only do this in the case of emergencies. A personal line of credit shouldn’t be used to help you buy the hottest smartphone to hit the market just because you want it. 

Keeping the New Battery Healthy

Once you have a new battery — or a brand-new phone — you’ll want to do your best to make it last for as long as possible. These are some tips that can help you accomplish this:

  • Do not download apps from suspicious sources. 
  • Keep your software up to date. 
  • Don’t use your smartphone in extreme cold or extreme heat. These temperatures can damage the battery. 
  • Remove your smartphone from the charging cable once it’s fully charged. Do not keep it plugged in.
  • Don’t wait for your smartphone to reach 0% before charging it.
  • Turn down the brightness and use “night mode” whenever you can.

Don’t miss the signs that your battery is starting to fail. Catch those signs early and get your phone repaired right away.

Featured Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

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