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Can Espurr be shiny in Pokémon GO?


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With another new month comes another new Research Breakthrough reward encounter. For February 2022, once you get your seventh stamp, you’ll encounter the rare Psychic Pokémon Espurr. So let’s answer the question that is most frequently asked when a new Pokémon starts appearing more frequently in Pokémon GO, can it be shiny?

Espurr — February Research Breakthrough Reward

Pokémon GO February Research breakthrough

The Restraint Pokémon Espurr is a cute psychic Pokémon, and was added to Pokémon GO as a raid boss in November 2020 as part of the GO Beyond update. Despite having been in the game for 14 months already, Espurr is still relatively rare, having mostly only appeared so far as an sporadic Raid Boss or Research reward. This makes the announcement of Espurr as February’s Research Breakthrough Reward quite an exciting one, and is somewhat reminiscent of when Research Breakthrough rewards were actually that – a reward.

In order to earn your encounter with Espurr during the month of February 2022, you will need to collect seven Research Task stamps. Earn one a day for completing any Research Task which can be obtained from Pokéstops and Gyms. In order to encounter all four Espurr possible, you will need to complete a Research Task every single day in February (unless you are entering February with a part-completed week).

Can Espurr be shiny in Pokémon GO?

Until now, Espurr has not been available in its shiny form in Niantic’s AR mobile game. However, as of February 1st, 2022, thanks to its introduction as the month’s Research Breakthrough Reward, Espurr is now available in its shiny variant. You’ll have to be very lucky to catch this new shiny, though, as you’ll only be able to encounter up to four Espurr through Research Breakthrough.

When is shiny Espurr available in Pokémon GO?

The Research Breakthrough Reward is released at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT on the day, in this case, February 1st, 2022. As such, this is when shiny Espurr will be introduced to the game, as will the Research Breakthrough Reward. If you open your Research Breakthrough Reward on this date before this time, you will receive an Onix.


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