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Best RTX 3090 prebuilt gaming PC in 2022


Things to consider

As the RTX 3090 is Nvidias flagship GPU and offers unparalleled gaming performance, you can expect to play every game you desire in any setting you wish. That being said, there are still a few areas to consider when buying a prebuilt over building your own gaming PC. A big thing to remember is that any PC with a 3090 inside is going to cost quite a lot of money, however, for those on the hunt for the best gaming system money can buy, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Why buy an RTX 3090 prebuilt gaming PC?

As previously mentioned, the RTX 3090 graphics card is the pinnacle of all the GPUs, this can give your gaming system a serious punch, allowing you to play any game, in maxed-out settings, in high resolution. The card features DLSS and can produce results in resolutions as high as 8K. The reality is, you are going to be able to push your frames higher than ever before with one of these 3090 prebuilts, even if you play in 4K.

3090 prebuilt

As 3090 prebuilt computers are aimed towards gamers who want the very best, you will often find the CPU and other components are high-end too. This means a minimum of 16GB of RAM, and a minimum of 1TB of fast storage is almost always a given.

RTX 3090 prebuilt gaming PC vs custom build

We always recommend that you build your own computer here at WePC and that is for one simple reason – value.  It is no secret that you can squeeze in better hardware for your cash when building your own system, with the markup on prebuilt computers usually costing the same amount as an entire component ($100-$300).


While the performance of these 3090 prebuilt PC is great, when building your own you could in theory include a better CPU or additional storage into your computer without spending more. This means you could get even better performance for your hard-earned cash, get better in-game results, and future-proof your investment for longer.


The main selling point behind a prebuilt is it saves you the hassle. We understand that not everyone knows how to build a computer and may not even have the time to learn this new skill, so the convenience of a prebuilt makes a lot of sense. Of course, there are many more benefits to buying a prebuilt gaming PC from manufacturers, obviously, it takes the stress away from finding all the compatible components, while also preventing damage to said components when the time comes to build it.

With a prebuilt gaming PC, you are going to be able to send it back to the manufacturer if anything goes wrong. Furthermore, if you feel you need an upgrade, suppliers will often do this for you or at least insist you send it to them for an upgrade. Manufacturers will also dish out a warranty, usually covering parts and labor for around a year but some companies offer impressive warranties and you can always spend extra on insurance, giving you a lengthy/ lifetime warranty.

A prebuilt from the biggest manufacturers around the world aren’t just packaged nicely for you either, they normally stress test the system to ensure the components are working before shipping and that it performs as it should. You will also receive your system with software, usually with Windows and drivers pre-installed, so you can simply plug it in and start downloading games.


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