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Astronaut captures beautiful image of both Earth and the moon from the International Space Station


Images taken from the International Space Station never seem to disappoint, and the latest from astronaut Mark Vande Hei definitely belongs in the awesome pile.

Mark’s latest capture shows a stunning shot of both the Earth and the moon, all in one image.



“Shockingly bright as I opened our shades, the Moon lingered, strutting by,” Mark tweeted. “Lots of time to find good camera settings! Soon we’ll be exploring our neighbor again.”

Vande Hei is referencing NASA’s upcoming Artemis mission which will see both the first woman and first person of colour setting foot on the moon.

Shockingly bright as I opened our shades, the Moon lingered, strutting by. Lots of time to find good camera settings! Soon we’ll be exploring our neighbor again.

One commenter asked why she couldn’t see any stars in the image. The answer actually makes a lot of sense, if you understand exposure and light. Basically, both the Earth and the moon are reflecting light from the sun, which is much brighter than any of the light coming from the stars. Therefore Vande Hei exposed correctly for the Earth and moon, and so the fainter light from the stars is not visible in the image.

Personally, I can’t get enough of these images from the ISS, keep ’em coming!

[Via Digitaltrends]


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