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World Of Warcraft Classic Raid Cleared In Under An Hour


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World Of Warcraft Classic’s new Sunset Plateau raid was cleared in less than an hour by a guild, according to a site measuring completion of said raids.

Schools Out


According to the Warcraft twitter the patch went live at around 11:00PM GMT, and the first clear for the raid was at 11:51PM GMT, meaning it took less than an hour for Old School to clear this raid. The team that Old School used consisted of three tanks, nine healers and nineteen damage per second attackers. The second and third place slots were taken by Avatar (Six tanks, sixteen healers and sixty-three Damage Per Second attackers) and Progress (Fourteen tanks, twenty-six healers and eighty-five Damage Per Second attackers) respectively. This not only means that Old School were the first to complete the raid, but out of the top three they were also the ones to use the least members.

Brand New Raid Cleared In Under An Hour

world of warcraft classic

WoW classic launched back in 2019 and runs alongside the standard release of World Of Warcraft. It recreates the original state of World Of Warcraft back to the release of the first expansion, The Burning Crusade and brings with it changes to make sure the experience is as authentic as possible. The game attempts to completely replicate the gameplay feel and mechanics of the time, and yesterday had a new content patch release featuring the Sunset Plateau raid. The game is said to be a completely different feel to that of the modern World Of Warcraft, and harken back to a simpler time for the game before it was given a huge swathe of content updates and expansions.

Luckily for fans who got into the game later and are looking for more earlier this year Blizzard officially announced that later this year they would be releasing Wrath Of The Lich King classic, a version of the game from back when the second expansion set released in 2008.


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