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What to Know About the Exciting New Kodak Gold 200 120 Format


Yes, it’s real! Today, Kodak is announcing their new Kodak Gold 200 in 120 Format. And there’s a lot of good news that’s supposed to come along with that! For starters, this is the first time in a while that Kodak has announced a 120 film. The previous one was Ektachrome after it made a revival. But in today’s world, film has become a lot more expensive because of demand. With that said, Kodak Gold 200 120 Format is bound to be very welcome. We’re breaking down a few things you should know about the new product.

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Kodak Gold 200 in 120 Format Will be Cheaper Than Other Stocks

Don’t worry, you’re not going to be paying Kodak Ektar or Kodak Portra prices for Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format. That’s because this isn’t considered a Professional Kodak film. With that said, we’re still very positive that a good photographer can use this for professional applications. Getting the look and feel you want in photos is easy once you understand lighting.

In fact, here’s what the press release says:

Starting today, the 120 format GOLD 200 Film is available for dealers, retailers, and distributors around the world and is intended to be priced 25 percent lower than the comparable PORTRA and EKTAR offerings. ”

When it is available, Adorama should have it within this search query.

Rumors are abound that it is also a rebranded Fujifilm C200 fim!

Kodak Gold 200 in 120 Sounds Like it Will be Great for Portraits

Photographers who like warm tones will probably really like Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format. Here’s what Kodak is saying in their press release:

The new 120 format KODAK PROFESSIONAL GOLD 200 is an affordable, entry-level color film featuring an ideal combination of warm saturated color, fine grain, and high sharpness.  It is designed for any level photographer for daylight and flash capture.”

If you’re an experienced photographer, a film photographer, or someone that knows something about white balance, this could seem odd. Kodak Gold 200 is balanced to be Daylight, which is around 5200 Kelvin. That’s not an incredibly warm balance. And if anything, you might even want to add more warmth to the images in scanning. However, we don’t know if Kodak Gold 200 in 120 Format will be warmer than Daylight. 

If I were a betting man, I’d say that it’s Daylight balanced. That will still mean that you’ll want to use a warming filter or a warm gel on a flash to get the look you want.

Try this, take an image of yours that you really like and that was shot during the day outdoors into Lightroom or Capture One. Change the white balance to 5500 Kelvin. Then try it at 5200 Kelvin. Chances are that you probably won’t like the look of it. So you’ll need to add more warmth to the image to get the look that you’re going for. You can do that easily to a RAW file in post-production. But with film, it will need to be done in development. To make it even easier, you’ll use a warming filter on your lens.

It’s Not Clear Whether Kodak Gold 200 in 120 Format is the Same as 35mm

Here are some photos from the Flickr Creative Commons that we found shot with Kodak Gold 200 in 35mm format. If the new Kodak Gold 200 in 120 is the same emulsion, then expect photos to look similar. All these images are being used with Flickr Creative Commons Permissions.

Photo by Mārtiņš Gūtmanis

Photo by Cristian Leonardo

Photo by Steven Guzzardi

Photo by Richard P J Lambert


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