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What is Apple Tap to Pay?


Apple has announced a new feature called Tap to Pay for the iPhone, which allows you to make contactless payments without the need for additional hardware.

Tap to Pay will be available through a supporting iOS app when using an iPhone X or any newer model.

This update could prove very helpful to small and large businesses, which previously had to use additional third-party hardware in order to to accept contactless payment via an iPhone.

Apple has announced that Stripe will be the first payment platform to offer Tap to Pay for its customers, including the Shopify Point of Sale app, which will be available in the spring. We can expect more payment platforms and apps to follow this trend later in the year.

Tap to Pay will work by merchants unlocking contactless payment acceptance through a supporting app. At checkout, the customer will be prompted to hold their iPhone, Apple Watch or contactless card near the merchant’s iPhone, and then the payment will then be completed using NFC technology.

As previously stated, no additional hardware will be required, which means businesses can accept payment from wherever they do business – they will only need an iPhone to complete the transaction.

Apple has also claimed that customers’ payment data is protected by the same technology used to make Apple Pay private, with all transactions using Tap to Pay being encrypted and processed using Secure Element.

The service is limited to small and large businesses, and merchants across the US and will become available in an upcoming iOS software beta, but it’s unclear when this will roll out.

For anyone looking to utilise the service when it is out, you will need to ensure that you’re iPhone is running the latest version of iOS, as the latest API uses iOS 15.4 beta 2.


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