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Photographs of Waves That Will Blow Your Mind


Photographs of waves fascinate me. Even though I have a slight fear of the earth’s unpredictable waters, I can’t look away when waves come crashing. However, when they come, I’m the guy standing far away, observing from the golden sands underneath the warm sun. Thankfully, some photographers like to get into the heart and soul of a wave. With the right timing, the results are nothing short of spectacular.

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On one cold, glum evening here in London, I reached for my phone and opened Instagram. Wanting to escape my surroundings, I searched for some beach and wave photography. I can get lost for hours browsing photography, forgetting about the time: that’s why I love this craft so much. While browsing, I came across three examples of wave photography that left my jaw on the floor. I knew I had to share them with our readers; it wouldn’t be right to keep this feeling of awe to myself. Thankfully, each photographer happily obliged to let me feature their work.

Jeff Davis Has Amazing Photographs of Waves

Credit: Jeff Davis

Jeff Davis is far from a one-hit wonder. Scroll through his feed, and you’ll be spoilt for choice when wanting to see photographs of waves. He’s a photographer and a surfer, so he knows how waves operate. It allows him to carefully choose his moments and create the shot at the right time. The one above spoke to me the most out of all his photographs. The shape of the wave is delicious. And the warm, hazy sunset in the background adds the perfect level of vibrancy needed to complete this frame. Fantastic stuff. See more of his work via his Instagram @jeff_davis.

Todd Teetzel Photographs of Waves Are Tight!

Credit: Todd Teetzel

If you look at Todd Teetzel’s website, you can tell he loves adventure. Happy to immerse himself in the earth’s waters, Teetzel has created work that’s led to features in the likes of The Guardian. I fell in love with the above photo because it is tight. Sometimes photographs of waves can have less impact as the photographer includes the vast space around them. But here, the image feels clean and compact, and I really like that. The purple hue in the background is also attractive eye catching. Solid stuff. Check out his Instagram @toddteetzel.

Andrew Carruthers Blew Me Away!

I found the work of Andrew Carruthers, thanks to Lance Wilson, a young photographer we recently featured. Born and raised in Queensland, Carruthers is no stranger to the beautiful ocean. It’s natural, as a photographer, he would seek to create mind-blowing photographs of waves. The photograph left me speechless. It’s like a wave monster coming out of the waters, ready to take anyone that comes in its path. (That’s the scared part of me.) Yet, at the same time, its grandeur is truly beautiful. I can’t stop looking at this image and encourage you to spend some time with it too. Check out more of his work via his Instagram @andrewcarruthersphotography.

Final Thought

If you consume photography, then you’ll know how rewarding it can be. The scroll generation, in my opinion, has weakened the impact a photograph can have on a person. I spent more than a fleeting moment with each of the above images. My blue mood soon became warm and vibrant; consuming photography is therapeutic, and I suggest you do it too. If you like any of the above photographs, support the photographers by giving them a follow and taking the time to tell them you appreciate them.

If you have some photographs you think we need to see, use the form below to get in touch. Thanks for reading.

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All images used with permission. Lead image by Andrew Carruthers.


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