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Microsoft Edge tests out Office integration in test build


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Microsoft appears to be testing a new feature in their chromium-based Edge browser which integrates Microsoft Office functionality natively. This was first identified thanks to Reddit user /u/Leopeva64-2 while using Edge Canary, a testing build of Microsoft Edge. They discovered that under the ‘appearance’ menu in Edge, you will not be able to have a Microsoft Office button, which looks to enhance the communication of both applications as Microsoft clearly look to enhance their own ecosystem of applications, presumably surrounded by the cosy arms of their latest OS, Windows 11.

Microsoft Edge Office
Source: Reddit

Additionally, the feature allows for a ‘Microsoft Office’ pane to open in the ellipsis menu on edge when heading to ‘More Tools’. Once you have enabled to Microsoft Office button, you’ll then be allowed to go over and make use of the Microsoft Office pane which appears to the right of your screen, and is able to display the suite of Microsoft Office applications.

What applications will be integrated into Microsoft Edge?

You will be able to access the following applications in Microsoft Edge via the dutiful form of the Web App.

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Onedrive
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft OneNote

These are all web apps, and will not launch the desktop version of the application if our current understanding is correct. Additionally, these Office web apps are free for everyone, on any browser, not just Microsoft Edge. Therefore, this integration into Edge might appear to be moot, but it’s just a good reminder that you’re able to access this suite of applications throughout, potentially in an effort to drive user numbers of the application, and to closely tie together their various products into one cohesive experience.

Due to being launched on Canary, you might not see this feature make it over to a ‘normal’ version of Edge, as this may be a controlled rollout of the feature, instead of just plonking it straight onto their default browser. However, you’ll still be able to make use of these features if you use Canary. Microsoft might be testing out just how many users take it up, before deciding that it’s popular enough to put into a release build of Edge.


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