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Infinity Adds to Midwest & Western Sales Team to Meet Increased Demand for Its Products



Premium massage and wellness chair producer Infinity has appointed five new independent sales representatives to its Midwest and West regions to meet growing demand for its products. 

“We are expanding our sales force in these regions to give our dealers more facetime with our people to more effectively support the dramatic sales growth we are experiencing in those areas,” said Michael Milone, vice president of retail sales and business development. “The healthy lifestyle trend is fueling increased demand for our massage chairs and this move gives us more boots on the ground to help dealers maximize our products sales on their showroom floors.” 

Infinity historically had a larger sales team in New England and on the East Coast where it is headquartered. But as sales and interest in its products has grown nationally in recent years, the company made the move to support that expansion.

In selecting the new sales reps, Infinity did not select “multi-bag” professionals who would not have time to devote to the brand. Instead, Infinity sought professionals with one or two other robust brands that would be complimentary to its products. 

“We have selected several successful independent sales representatives that see the potential the massage chair movement represents. These are not multi-bag reps who will treat the category as an afterthought, but people who are focused on building our brand. The new additions to the team will have the ability to be in dealer showrooms more often to provide insight and training to RSAs to be better informed and empowered to facilitate more sales,” Milone added.

With its customer centric approach, Infinity is known for its go-to-market strategies that are catapulted by a strong distribution network. The company offers five full-featured massage chairs that are in stock and ready to ship in three to five days, allowing quick delivery to consumers. Chairs can also be drop shipped from any one of Infinity’s four distribution centers in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Oregon, so there is no need for retailers to store inventory.



About Infinity

Founded in 2009 in Seabrook, New Hampshire Infinity is a premium massage and wellness chair producer that delivers innovative solutions to promote wellness for all lifestyles with durable, customizable, and user-friendly massage products. The company designs, manufacturers and markets premium massage chairs and handheld body massagers and is the number one massage chair seller in the United States. 


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