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How to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction: Temporary health, rest, and healing explained


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Are you wondering how to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction? It certainly is a rather interesting mechanic, which affects the difficulty of the game. One of the features your Operators have is a health feature. Not only does this affect your ability to perform in a live mission, as it would in Siege, but it also has an effect on your roster’s ability. In this article, we will go through the entire healing feature of Rainbow Six Extraction including temporary health, healing characters, and of course how to heal your roster in Rainbow SIx Extraction.

When your Operators take damage, they have the chance to drop below 100 health points in-game. When they get damaged below 100 health, it will affect their health when you look at your roster of Operators in Operator select as your load into a game or on the roster menu. The only way this improves is by leaving them out of missions to recover as you play more of the game. It is a feature that feels like it took its inspiration derives from XCOM’s roster selection, as XCOM soldiers need time to heal before they get their combat readiness back.

You should know your characters will regain some of their base health passively, eventually getting back to 100 HP. Just like they did in XCOM. If a character was critically injured in battle, they will be locked in an injured state and will be more of a risk-taking on missions. You’ll need to play more of the game with other Operators and you’ll come back and find they have regained some HP. The exact formulae of health regen per benched mission is currently not obvious, at least on our end.

There is one final method that will help you learn how to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction. Doc is an Operator that provides actual health boosts in the game. At the lower levels, Doc only gets a 15 HP heal and has a limited amount. But, as you level up, you get periodic upgrades. By level 10, you will have 30 HP healing darts and can carry up to a max of 5. It could be the pick that makes or breaks your progression.

Read More: Rainbow Six Operators guide.

Temporary Health Boost Rainbow Six Extraction
Finka is a great pick for getting reliable temporary health boosts.

While you are out on a mission, you will rely on temporary healing. You can find health packs that randomly spawn on the map when you get into a level. If you take damage, you will need to find these health packs to get bonus HP, However, this is not a replacement for your character’s base HP. The purpose of this entire process is to make it more than likely you can get into the harder objectives of your level if you took a beating elsewhere.

Sadly, this is not a replacement for the time-based method of healing in Rainbow Six Extraction. However, it man mitigate how long they are out for. If you get yourself some bonus health early on, then it acts like a shield for your base health. It could mean you take damage but actually remain on 100% for the next mission. Alternatively, it means that your character may find they are on 40% hp rather than 20%and will recover much sooner as a result.

There is one Operator that does offer a chance to heal allies via Temporary Health, which is Finka. Finka provides a team-wide temporary health boost, along with better accuracy, moveability and other stats. She can also revive her allies from down but not out positions with the ability. It is one of the guaranteed ways of getting temporary health in Rainbow Six Siege. But, again, it is not a foolproof method of how to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction.

Read More: Rainbow Six difficulty guide.

All in all, there isn’t much room when it comes to figuring out how to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction. Hopefully, these gameplay tips and knowledge make it easier for your to manage your Operators health while you play the game.


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