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Ghostwire Tokyo tips – Take on Tokyo using these handy tips


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Ghostwire Tokyo is a supernatural action-adventure game set in Tokyo after the events of a mysterious fog ripping the very souls of humans from their bodies where they stand. You and a wraith called KK are the only ones left in the city currently withstanding against the fog, leaving the two of you walking a deserted city alone against Japanese folklore monsters.

Throughout the game, you’ll encounter a variety of monsters you’ll need to beat along with open-world challenges to overcome. With the variety of challenges, we recommend our best Ghostwire Tokyo tips that we picked up from our time playing the game.

Our ten Ghost Wire Tokyo tips

Ghostwire Tokyo cat tips

Before we go into detail on tips for Ghostwire Tokyo, if you play on an easier difficulty, then you will find some of the tips not entirely relevant.  Harder difficulty players will more than likely benefit from most of these tips to make their time easier. We will also provide some general tips that everyone can benefit from.

  1. We recommend taking the skill ‘Amenotori X’ that allows you to spawn your own Tengu. Tengus are flying monsters that are neutral to the player. You can grapple to the skyline of Tokyo and sly from buildings. It can be hard to get to rooftops in some instances, meaning you might miss out on relics, souls, and other goodies.
  2. User the bow more – The bow is a great weapon for picking off key targets, especially while in stealth mode. When you’re on a harder difficulty, this will be great for making packs more manageable, saving you ether for the bigger monsters.
  3. Invest in the downed core grab perk ’Tajikara I’ – The reason why is because this perk combined with the Stun Talisman is incredibly strong against the bigger monsters, such as Kuchisaka and Shiromuku.
  4. Use the expose talisman on smaller packs. Exposure Talismans allow you to begin pulling out the cores of the basic monsters in the game, such as the rain men and other umbrella wilding monsters of Japan.
  5. The water weaving spell is great against the ranged casters. Many of the game’s healer and fire weaver monsters cast slow-moving spells. The water weaving skill always does wide arc casts, meaning you can easily wipe out enemy spells, especially the fire attacks. This is even more crucial if you let a ranged caster enemy cast on harder difficulties.
  6. Play hard mode on the new game playthrough. At the end of the game, you get special items for defeating bosses. These become items in the next game, adding extra bonuses to your next run. Use this opportunity to tackle the hardest difficulty in the game.
  7. Focus your early funds on buying Katashiro early from stores. As we mention in our review, collecting spirits is one of the tedious things about the game. So, making sure you can collect more and spend less time running to phone booths makes things much smoother.
  8. Keep dog food on you at all times – Feeding dogs in areas you have not been to likely means youtube will help direct you to relics, shrines, or other goodies to help your progress.
  9. Speak to cats on the streets. Cats on the streets tend to give you hints to relic locations or Tanuki locations.
  10. Use Offering boxes often – Offering boxes with the 500 donations have several amazing options, such as ‘show me what I’m looking for’, Tanuki and Jizo Shrines options. Offering Boxes make finding collectables or player progression items even better.

This concludes the ten best tips for those heading into Ghostwire Tokyo. For more guides on the game, we recommend checking out our Ghostwire Tokyo section for more information.

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