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Alliance of Sacred Suns Release Date, Trailer


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If you enjoy space and menus then you’re in for a treat with Alliance of Sacred Suns. The upcoming 4X strategy RPG title is incredibly deep, and mainly focuses on the minutia of running an entire empire, so you can guess that it’s filled to bursting with menus all over the place.

Assuming that description appealed to you, you’ll probably be excited to hear that the game is coming out a little later this year. If you’re eager for more detail then read on, because we’ve got all of the most important information for you right here.

Alliance of Sacred Suns Release Date

Alliance of Sacred Suns was officially announced back in March of 2021 with a slick announcement trailer that showed off the game’s combined RPG and 4X strategy gameplay. Plenty of people got excited about it too, which isn’t surprising considering how passionate this particular gaming niche can be.

alliance of sacred suns screenshot

Well, we don’t yet have a specific release date, but we do know that the game is going to coming out during Q1 of 2022, at least according to the Steam page that’s the case.

Alliance of Sacred Suns Trailer

The gameplay is 99% menu drive, so to an outside observer probably looks a little dry. However, if you’re into intensly deep 4X strategy titles, the lack of vibrant and action-packed gameplay is probably not going to turn you off. If anything, the huge amount of detail shown off in the trailers will probably just get you more and more hyped.

Another interested facet here is the blend of RPG and 4X strategy. As well as govorning your empire, the game has you growing as a rules in various ways. Most of them actually reflectthe characters personality and skills as a ruler, so your growth with effect how your game ends up playing out.

Check out the reveal trailer down below if you’re interested, though you’ve unfortunately already missed the oppertunity to join in the playtest. At least you won’t have more than a couple of months at the most to wait for Alliance of Sacred Suns to come out.


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