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New Silent Hill Game Reportedly Leaked With Images


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Images shared by known insider AestheticGamer have been disabled in response to a copyright claim, but reportedly showed off a new Silent Hill game.

A Return To The Series

AestheticGamer stated in the tweet that while the source was a new one, they had been provided with enough evidence and proof that they fully believed them.


The images consisted of: an extremely disorganized room, a blood-red corridor with notes covering the wall, something standing at the end of the corridor waiting for you, and a woman’s face that’s peeling away, revealing messages such as “I hate myself” and “minger”. For those of you not in the know, “minger” is a piece of British slang which suggests rather heavily that a new game in the Silent Hill series might actually be moving away from Silent Hill itself. In addition to this one of the pieces of concept art is signed by Masahiro Ito, the art director and monster designer of the original Silent Hill trilogy, and features what can only be described as a reference to Monty Python’s Life Of Brian.

Multiple Games In Development


In the tweet, AestheticGamer stated the following:

There’s a lot I’m not sharing for now. This is from a relatively new source for me, but I have been given more than enough proof to believe them. I also will mention the names ‘Anita and Maya’, ‘SMS Messages’, and this is not the only Silent Hill game in development.”

“The shots are a bit dated, from 2020, so maybe this project looks a bit different now. But this is what I’m choosing to share. I know many will doubt this, but I have a lot of private proof to show this is real, and as always I continue to wait on the Silent Hill game reveal.”

The series has laid dormant since the cancellation of Silent Hills, so fans will be elated to know that there’s potential for new entries in the beloved horror franchise.


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