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Nintendo Switch Sports Unlockables | WePC Gaming


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Playing in Global Play will allow players to gain points in Nintendo Switch Sports. These points are based on performance and the level played at, as well as achievements such as getting multiple Strikes in a row in Bowling. Collecting these points will then allow players to unlock a range of cosmetics for their Sportsmate.

For the most part, players will likely gain around 50 points as a minimum each game. This can vary based on the level played at, as well as how well the player performed. Once 100 points are obtained, the player will be given the chance to unlock an item from a Collection.

Each collection features a range of items, from clothing to new facial features, as well as new styles of sports equipment to play with. Each Collection will have its own theme, and players will unlock a new item at random. The item can’t be selected, so players need to get lucky, or get everything, to get what they want.

Right now, the two Collections available are the Simple Collection which features basic items, as well as the Cute Collection which features more bright colours and kawaii options. Collecting all items in the Collection will also grant more items as a Completion Bonus, which seem to be new outfits but could change in the future.

At the time of writing, the collectibles so far include the following:

  • Variants of sports equipment, meaning new styles and/or colours for things like tennis racquets, volleyballs, and chambara swords.
  • Different hats, including beanies and baseball caps.
  • Varieties of eyewear, from prescription-style glasses to sunglasses.
  • Facial features such as beards and eye styles.
  • A range of accessories and cosmetics such as face paint and makeup, as well as earrings.
  • New styles and colours of activewear, as well as new clothes.
  • New titles to put on the character card.
  • Stamps to use in-game as emotes.

The Collections will change every couple of weeks or so, meaning players will have to keep playing to collect all the rewards they want. It is not known if the Collections will rotate, and how often. It is worth noting that playing in Trial Mode will allow for a maximum of two items to be unlocked each week, meaning players can unlock these customisation choices without the need for a Nintendo Online subscription, but they will be limited in how much they can unlock.


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