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Rogue Legacy 2: Citadel Agartha enemy guide


Rogue Legacy 2 is stuffed to the brim with hordes of devious enemies, demanding practise and timing from you to get the best of them all. There are such a wide array of enemies that learning their patterns might seem intimidating, but don’t worry! We’ll give you an early advantage in your trip through Rogue Legacy 2’s Citadel Agartha, and teach you how to take down each of its fearsome foes.

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Static blade

The static blade is an instantly recognisable enemy in Rogue Legacy 2; a ghostly hand holding a sharp dagger with a cracked thunderbolt pattern. They will initially seem harmless, floating almost motionless in the air. In fact, this is the best time to deal with them, as before long they’ll become much more painful. Static Blades charge up energy for an instant, then quickly dash towards you and impale you with the dagger. The dash is incredibly quick and covers long distances, but does no continue to track once the attack has started. If you can dodge the initial dash, the Static Blade is wide open for a counterattack.

Ember Hatchet

These disembodied hands wield axes, that will ignite and spin towards you. They can cause a great deal of pain, as well as being frustrating to deal with amongst larger groups, as they essentially turn themselves into a projectile and take up a large amount of the screen as they move. Thankfully, as with the Static Blades, Ember Hatchets have large periods of downtime where they are inactive; neither on fire nor moving towards you. Strike in these moments and you’ll finish them off quickly. But if you’re feeling risky, there’s nothing stopping you from dispatching these foes at the same time that they’re attacking you.


Flamelocks are ghostly foes of an entirely different variety. These red-cloaked spectres don’t get up close with you, preferring to summon blazing projectiles from afar. You’ll have an easy time with them if you’re playing a class like the Valkyrie, who can effortlessly reflect the Flamelock’s projectiles back at them. But everyone else will have to learn how to dodge between the flaming orbs and in order to get a hit on the Flamelock. Thankfully, these monsters don’t have much in the way of defense, so once you get in past their spells there’s nothing they can do to stop you beating them to a pulp.


Your typical bony bad guy. If an enemy-filled castle is present in a game, you can predict with near-certainty that a skeleton or two are going to come shambling up sooner or later. Thankfully, Rogue Legacy 2’s Skeletons aren’t  as hardy as some other games’ fleshless undead, and they’ll go down in just a couple of hits. Make sure to watch out for the bone projectiles they throw, which move in an arc that can catch you off-guard if you are only paying attention to the Skeleton itself.


A wizard from beyond the grave! While Staffens may want to trick you into believing that they are all-powerful Liches, in reality they’re just skeletons with beards, pointy hats and flaming staffs. Even then, their magic isn’t anything to be scoffed at. Staffens shoot out multiple fireballs at once that travel in an arc in front of them. If you are able to keep your distance from a Staffens, the fireballs will arc harmlessly overhead, giving you the chance to close in and prevent it from getting more shots off.


Unlike other enemies in Citadel Agartha, the Orb isn’t something that can be dealt with via might or magic. It is completely impervious to your attacks, closer to a stage hazard than a traditional enemy. The Orb bounces around any rooms it is a part of, colliding with walls in a set pattern akin to a DVD logo screensaver. While it can be annoying to watch out for the Orb whilst dealing with other enemies, you also don’t have to worry about dispatching this enemy. Just keep any eye on its patterns and move on when you get the chance.


Don’t let its cute name fool you, these flame-spitting foes can be a real nuisance in Citadel Agartha and beyond. Plinkies are small, metallic, diamond-shaped enemies that spit out small fireballs in four directions at short intervals. On their own, they are among the easiest enemies to deal with in Citadel Agartha, as they cannot move and their projectiles move in predictable patterns. But when fighting multiple enemies, a Plinky can severely restrict your movement until it is dealt with. Dodge through their projectiles and finish them off quickly to free yourself up if fighting in close quarters.


A heavily-armoured warrior, the Soldier is a slow-moving, tanky foe. It will take more hits to dispatch than most other foes that you will find in Citadel Agartha. Thankfully, its sword attack is slow and takes time for the soldier to perform. That being said, if it does connect, the attack will take off a good chunk of health. When dealing with a soldier, it is best to either rush it down before it gets chance to attack, or back off and wait for it to swing its sword before moving in.


Scouts are among the easiest projectile-firing enemies to deal with in Rogue Legacy 2. Their projectiles only come out one at a time, and don’t tend to do a great deal of damage. That being said, their weaknesses are somewhat made up for by the fact that their projectiles can pass through walls and can keep coming after the player even at a significant range. Make dealing with scouts a priority if you find that their projectiles are reliably chipping away at you.

Spear Maiden

These armoured warriors patrol the halls of Citadel Agartha. They will take a moment to charge up, before performing a powerful dash attack with their spear. This attack can near-instantly close the distance with you and deal damage on impact. Fortunately, the Spear Maiden’s charge will not continue past the platform it is on. This enables you to keep some distance while dealing with them. If playing a class like the Ranger or Mage, it is possible to take out the Spear Maiden with a well-placed arrow or spell without ever putting yourself in danger. But for the more melee oriented classes, it is best to jump over the Maiden as it dashes, before following up with some speedy. attacks of your own

That does it for our Citadel Agartha enemy guide. For more Rogue Legacy 2 content, including guides to bosses and other biomes, be sure to check out our Rogue Legacy 2 hub!


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