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Best OSU tablet 2022


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Osu! is a brilliant free-to-play game that’s got an army of fans worldwide, and you’ll often see a lot of the top players using Osu tablets.

Why a tablet, though? After playing the game, you’ll quickly realize that a mouse just doesn’t cut it. Osu is an extremely stimulating, vibrant, and fast-paced rhythm game, which is an explosion of beats, rapid reactions, and colors. A tablet allows you to cut down the latency between the mouse and the cursor a lot, plus will likely be a lot cheaper than a gaming laptop

Of course, no equipment is going to replace pure skill. But, at the very least, the best Osu tablet will make your life quite a bit easier.

Best OSU tablet 2022: our top picks

Best Osu tablet: things to consider

Truth be told, it can be hard to figure out what you need for the best Osu tablet. Compared to a mouse, any graphics tablet is going to allow you to take your skills to the next level. 

So, while you could just go ahead and buy any tablet that’s under your budget, there are still some things people tend to ignore.

Active area

This is something that a lot of people tend to overestimate. As we said before, any graphics tablet is going to be a good fit for Osu, regardless of the active area. Most small tablets have an active area of 4 x 6 inches, while large tablets are about 12 x 8 inches, give or take.

A smaller tablet allows you to be quicker, while a larger tablet will allow you to be more accurate. However, there is always the third option of medium tablets, which is our preference when it comes to the best Osu tablet.

This gives you the best of both worlds. If you decide you prefer a smaller active area, you can always recalibrate it through tablet settings.

Finding the right pen

The best Osu tablet should also come with a good pen. Most graphics tablets come with a battery-free pen, meaning you don’t need to worry about charging it. Even those that need to be charged come with a convenient stand for doing so.

The grip is what you want to worry about. After long sessions, a pen can get slippery due to sweat. Some pens have a textured grip or rubberized tips to alleviate this issue.

What about the buttons?

If you’re looking for the best tablet to play Osu on, you might not want a full-featured device. Graphics tablets tend to be the best but many of them have features that are useful for drawing, but not so much for Osu.

Buttons are one of these features. They are super helpful for shortcuts and mapping them to different actions. However, this isn’t true for Osu. An accidental button click could throw you into a menu, close the window, etc.

It could make sense to buy a tablet without buttons. However, you can turn these off in most of the best Osu tablets, so it’s not as big of an issue as it first seems.

Be prepared for a learning curve

Learning a new skill always takes a while and it’s going to be no different if you switch from using a mouse to a pen in Osu.

Some of you may never have used a pen on a tablet before, which will make things even trickier. It’s definitely worth persevering with, though. Get one of the tablets in this round-up, practice and persevere and you will definitely be a better Osu player. 

How long will it take you to see the benefits? It could be easily up to a week as you build up the new muscle memory. 

No pain no gain, though, right? That’s the crux of the matter here. After a while, you’ll start to improve in terms of speed and overall reaction times. Just be aware of this before buying the best Osu tablet.

Best Osu tablet 2022

Wacom Intuos Wireless

Wacom Intuos Wireless
