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Elden Ring Liurnia of the Lakes Merchant Guide


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Liurnia is a great location in Elden Ring and like many other locations, it’s home to a few nomadic merchants who are your most reliable source of usable items in the game. However, just like other nomadic merchants, any given Liurnia of the Lakes merchant isn’t going to be marked on your map. That makes it sort of difficult to keep track of where they are, and what they’re selling. To help you with that, we’ve provided you with this Elden Ring Liurnia of the Lakes merchant guide.

If you’re looking for the merchants who hang around Limgrave then we have a guide for that too. Also, if you’re stuck trying to find the underground hidden merchant, we have written step-by-step instructions for you to find him.

Elden Ring Discerning Nomadic Merchant (Forest entrance)

Liurnia Lake Entrance Merchant


This merchant shouldn’t be too hard to find and is also probably the first one that you’ll come across in Liurnia. As you enter the huge basin that makes up the central lake, you should come to a point of grace near the forest called Liurnia Lake Shore. You should already see this guy sitting off to one side thanks to his hilariously bright yellow outfit.

Liurnia Lake Entrance Merchant map

What They’re Selling

Considering he’s right out in the open, there are a few cool things on this guy’s list. Of course, you should probably expect that since he’s going to be the first vendor you meet after taking out a pretty major boss. Once again, the cookbook is his key item to grab, but if you’ve been leaning more towards magic after building a melee character, this is your chance to pick up the Astrologer’s set. Finally, make sure you get the lantern, as it’ll prevent you from needing to have a torch in your other hand during dark caves.

Item Name Amount Cost
Lantern 1 1800
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 1 1500
Estoc 1 3000
Astrologer’s Staff 1 800
Arrow Infinite 20
Bolt Infinite 40
Kite Shield 1 1000
Astrologer Hood 1 1000
Astrologer Robe 1 1500
Astrologer Gloves 1 1000
Astrologer Trousers 1 1000

Elden Ring Paranoid Nomadic Merchant (Under Church)

Lirunia Lake Under Church Merchant


This guy is also pretty close to a point of grace, so it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge to find this one either. If you start out at the Bellum Church point of grace, you can just walk down the nearby ramp and you should see him perched under a piece of rubble again (pretty sure this is the same guy from the beach.) If not, head north along the eastern ridge that runs along the lake until you discover a church with the point of grace inside, then just go from there.

Lirunia Lake Under Church Merchant map

What they’re selling

There are a fair few interesting morsels in this dude’s inventory that you want to avail yourself of. It should be obvious at this point that you need to buy the cookbook, but after that, you should think about picking up the Rune Arc, as they can be insanely helpful when it comes to winning tough fights later on. There are also a few stat-boosting items, and a better small bow if you’re a ranged character.

Item Name Amount Cost
Rune Arc 3 4000
Immunizing White Cured Meat 3 2000
Invigorating White Cured Meat 3 2000
Clarifying White Cured Meat 3 2000
Bewitching Branch 5 1600
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [13] 1 2000
Composite Bow 1 3500
Arrow Infinite 20
Bolt Infinite 40
Rift Shield 1 1800
Blue Crest Heater Shield 1 1500


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