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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Power cap – soft, Powerful, and Pinnacle cap


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As we enter a new adventure in Destiny 2 with The Witch Queen, it only means one thing – more loot to grind for. Whether that’s those sweet, sweet Exotics or your more run-of-the-mill Legendaries, there’s no doubt that you’ll be wanting them all. 

While gear is always nice to gobble up, it’s really the Power levels you’re after to get to those all-important caps in order to put up a fight in end-game activities. Now, as with every new Season introduced, the Power caps have been increased for the first Season of The Witch Queen starting at a base Power level of 1350.

But what Power levels do you need to get to before drops start capping out? Let’s get into all.

What is the soft Power cap in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Season of the Risen?

destiny 2 the witch queen soft power cap

When you’re levelling your Power, you’ll hit something called a soft cap. This limits the Power gains you’re able to get from standard drops in the World whether that be from random loot or gear received from activities.

The soft cap for Power level in Season of the Risen is 1500 which has followed a similar pattern to that of the previous Season, jumping 150 between that and the base level you come in at. 

What is the Powerful Power cap in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Season of the Risen?

destiny 2 the witch queen powerful power cap

Similar to that of the soft cap, there’s also a mid-level cap when gaining Power, also known as the Powerful cap. This is because this cap tops out for any Powerful Engram drops you get when playing, limiting your ability to go any further on these drops alone.

The Powerful Power cap level  in Season of the Risen is 1550, the exact same 50 jump that we saw in the previous Season.

What is the Pinnacle power cap in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Season of the Risen?

destiny 2 the witch queen pinnacle power cap

And finally, last but not least is the hard Power cap, also known as the Pinnacle cap. This means that the only way you can reach this cap is through completing Pinnacle activities making it a pretty lengthy task to complete.

The Pinnacle power cap in Season of the Risen is 1560, just 10 more than the Powerful cap we talked about earlier.


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