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10 Weird West Tips and Tricks to help you through the game


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Weird West is an immersive RPG set in the Wild West. However, there is a mystical and supernatural twist on the genre. As you play through the game, you will realise there is a relatively persistent world where your reputation and character deaths matter. So, to make your time in Weird West much more enjoyable, here are the best Weird West tips and tricks we recommend. 

Weird West Tips and Tricks

Below you will find the ten best Weird West tips and tricks we think are worthwhile to your gameplay. These tips will help you out with many basic gameplay features and provide you with some strategic tips to overcome the game.

Store useful items in a bank vault

Wierd West Bank Vault
Store items that are useful across all characters in the vault until you need them.

We highly recommend getting a bank vault and storing important items in there. The items include spare throwable weapons, potions, and of course your ingots and nuggets. The reason why is so they don’t bog down your inventory as they don’t stack all too well in our inventory. Also, when you eventually have to play a new character in the story, you can then visit the bank and then take out those items for a fresh inventory. You can also upgrade spare weapons and place them in the bank for a future character to use.

Recruit your old characters to get their gear

Weird West has five characters you’re allowed to play with each character becoming playable after you finish certain story arcs. You can recruit previous player characters to your onto the next one. They keep whatever items you were using too, so they should feel strong if they had strong amulets, built up their relics and with solid guns to boot.

Explore each map before leaving

Every map and location you visit in the game contains at least one Nimp Relic or Golden Ace of Spade card. On some occasions, you can get multiple Golden cards and multiple Nimp Relics per level, especially the main story levels. So, keep your eyes peeled for items hidden in boxes, jail cells, dirt mounds, dead bodies, or tucked away in the corner of a room or outdoor section of the map.

Keep a spare shovel and mining pick on you

Mining and digging up items are an interesting part of Weird West. We recommend keeping a spare shovel and mining pick on you in our Weird West tips because it is awful when your durability runs out. You don’t want to be stuck without a spare pick when visiting a mine to get those nuggets, or you don’t want not to have a working shovel when you stumble upon a dirt mound.

Keep an eye on the daytimers for side missions and bounty hunts

Some quests you stumble upon in the game have timers to complete. Almost all the bounty hunter quests have 15 days to complete from the point of picking them up. However, some side quests, like delivery quests or save a town, only have a few days to do. We recommend doing them as they can have some interesting rewards if you pick them up. Pigmen players should save the temple they get as their first side quests as it makes the town become open to your presence, giving you a place to stay.

Always have spare lockpicks

Weird West Lockpick
Lockpicks are relatively cheap and are purchasable from shopkeepers

Another Weird West tip we have is to always have lockpicks on you. You will find that the game uses lockpicking quite often from the get-go. Pickpocketing is key from breaking into buildings, freeing slaves from cells, opening safes and cashier tills, and more. So, we recommend buying lockpicks whenever you get the chance as it is super important to play the game.

Bounties are great sources of money

There are plenty of hot commodity items in the game, from buying a horse to grabbing yourself a $1500 legendary quality firearm from a  gun store. To make grinding money easier, we recommend going on bounty hunt missions. You can accept three at a time, and the money for these bounties ranges from $100 each to the $300 range depending on difficulty and the point you are at in the game. So, if you need money for a horse or to get yourself a new iron, then bounties are the way. Just bring a posse and some spare healing items just in case.

Look for barrels and gaslamps before engaging in combat

Using the environment to your advantage is a key to victory. It could be using lightning rounds in the revolver or throwing lightning in a bottle into a wet area filled with enemies. It could be launching an explosive barrel into a campfire a few bandits are sat around etc. All we know is creative use of the level design can reward some pretty sweet kills.

Silenced Rifle skill is a must

Weird West Sentry Silencer
The only silenced gun skill in the game.

Stealth is an important factor in this game. It creates many opportunities to sneak into places unnoticed or creep up behind enemies and get yourself a non-lethal knockout. However, si some instances, you need a ranged stealth kill to create new opportunities. So, the only way to silence your weapons is through the Sentry Silencer skill in the rifle skill tree.

Use your companion’s inventory

If you’re finding that a place is filled with junk items and you run out of space you can always load their inventory up with those items too. That way, you can go on with your day and loot away. When you return to a settlement, you can sell your junk items and then go to your companion standing next to you and acquire the junk from their inventory. It makes getting dollars so much easier.

This concludes our ten best Weird West tips and tricks. For more articles, why not check out our Weird West hub for other interesting guides?


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