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The benefits and myths of dedicated IP VPNs (Promoted)


If you’re into cyber security, even just a little, you probably heard the concept of “dedicated IP.”  You might not know how it works, but it is one of the most popular trends on the market right now. 

There are many articles on the internet about dedicated IP (also known as static IP), but some complicate the issue more and actually create myths about it. Follow along if you want to learn the real-life benefits of dedicated IPs and see some of these myths debunked. 

What is a dedicated IP VPN? 

You may be familiar with the term but not with its actual function. So let’s explain what a dedicated IP is. 

We all have local IPs that define our devices and help us communicate on the internet. They are basically your letter address to let you receive information from the others. Now, remember that local IPs define our devices, so a malicious user might use them to get information about our whereabouts or activities online. 

That’s why people and companies that want to be safe from cyber threats use VPN services. One of the beauties of these services is dedicated IP solutions. A dedicated IP VPN is a unique IP address different from your local IP, so it hides your usual IP and encrypts all the data transfer. As a result, you have a more secure connection.

Dedicated IPs belong to the owner permanently and they can’t be used by any other user that you don’t know. This gives you the freedom of deciding your IP reputation, helps you prevent being blacklisted, and allows you to specify permitted users. 

Using a dedicated IP, you can ensure that the information that flows on your network stays within the boundaries you choose. It’s a great solution to cyber attacks, data leaks, and legal issues. 

The benefits of dedicated IP VPNs

Dedicated IP comes with significant benefits in network security, fast connection, and online privacy. Here is what you can get if you buy static IP online from a prominent provider on the market.

Allowlist & user verification 

By getting a dedicated IP, you’ll have control over the server it belongs. This means that you can create an allowlist for permitted users to ensure data stays confidential. 

By the way, when it comes to servers, there’re plenty of servers worldwide, but bandwidth and quality are quite important, especially in the US. If you’re looking for best VPN servers in the USA, feel free to have a deeper look at here 

Additionally, dedicated IPs allow you to verify each user who tries to access your network. By doing so, you’re able to guarantee network security as users are identified regardless of their location, device, or connection. 

Secure remote access

Web-based businesses transit to the remote work model, saving resources and time for both employees and companies. But companies need to figure out a way to deliver secure remote access to team members. 

Dedicated IP solutions are great to ensure secure remote access. They are accessible globally and they can secure access from anywhere or any device. You don’t have to worry about device or connection safety if you have a dedicated IP.

Faster download & upload 

Usually, there are fewer users on a dedicated IP since it is used by a single company and its employees. If you’re on a shared IP, on the other hand, you may not even know how many IP neighbors you have. 

More users create more contradictions on an IP address, so fewer the faster. When you have a dedicated IP with only a handful of users, you are guaranteed to have a much faster download and upload. 

Myths of dedicated IP VPNs 

There’s also significant information pollution about dedicated IPs in most articles. Let’s see and debunk some of its myths. 

Dedicated IPs result in greater SEO scores

Wrong. Research on Google’s algorithms shows that the only thing that affects a website’s SEO score is the website’s characteristics, such as content, loading speed, or cross-linking. There is no evidence that permanent IP addresses give you better SEO results. 

You need a dedicated IP to get SSL 

This myth was true in the past, but not anymore. You would need a dedicated IP for an SSL certification before the cyber security technology was improved. Now, you can get SSL even if you are hosted in a shared IP; Server Name Identicator (SNI) technology allows multiple SSL certificated on a shared IP. 

Dedicated IPs are overpriced & not affordable 

Not true. Many VPN vendors now provide dedicated IPs to their customers; the more competition there is, the lower the prices. You can get your IP with a dedicated server for as affordable as $70/year on top of your regular VPN subscription.  

Mass emails require dedicated IP 

If you have a large email list, you might be wondering if getting a dedicated IP will ensure your emails are delivered to the receivers. The fact is, your IP is irrelevant. Most companies don’t even send your emails from their servers, so your IP is not related to the success of your email campaigns. 

Final word

Dedicated IPs are great solutions for improved cyber security and better remote access. They can be easily acquired and deployed in no time. If you are a company that needs to be protected from hackers, it is your go-to option. 

However, articles about dedicated IP solutions are prone to create myths. You need to be careful to look up whether they are actually true. Research your needs and make the best decision for your company. 

EDITOR NOTE: This is a promoted post and should not be considered an editorial endorsement

Photo by Stefan Coders from Pexels

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