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Creating an account and sending your first tweet


From breaking world news to permanently suspending political figures, it’s safe to say Twitter plays a major role in our society in 2022.

The website makes it possible to share your thoughts with a tight-knit group of followers or the entire world, depending on how much attention they garner. Whether its a photo of your pet hamster or an important announcement, you can tweet pretty much whatever you want (as long as its under 240 characters). 

We’ve put together this guide to teach you how to create a Twitter account, set up your profile and send your first tweet. Scroll down to find our step-by-step instructions…

How to use Twitter

The first step to using Twitter is to make an account on the website. From there you can go on to follow other users, tweet, retweet, join Spaces and explore other features. 

You can sign up for an account through the app, but this guide will take you through the basic steps required to do it on your mobile or PC browser. That said, the steps are very similar. 

Keep reading to learn how to create a Twitter account, set up your profile and send your first tweet. 

What you’ll need: 

  • A phone, tablet or PC 
  • Internet access 

The Short Version 

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your details 
  3. Choose your privacy settings 
  4. Follow the verification steps to activate your account 
  5. Set up your profile
  6. Send your first tweet

How to set up a Twitter account and send your first tweet

  1. These steps will take you through how to sign up for Twitter on your PC or mobile browser. You can also sign up directly in the iOS or Android apps if you prefer. Twitter URL

  2. Step

    Click Sign Up with a Phone Number or Email Address

    Twitter also offers the options to sign up with Google or Apple. Twitter sign up button

  3. Step

    Fill out your name, phone number and date of birth

    If you’d rather us your email address, click Use Email first. Once done click next. Next button

  4. Step

    Choose your privacy settings

    Tick the boxes if you want to receive emails from Twitter, allow other users to find your account with your email address or wish to see personalised ads over generic ones. Once done click next.Next button

  5. Step

    Check your details are correct

    This is your opportunity to make any changes to your name, email address, phone number or date of birth. Check your details

  6. Step

    Complete the signup process

    Click the black bar at the bottom of the screen. Sign Up button

  7. Step

    Enter your 6-digit verification code

    You can find this in your email inbox or your text messages, depending on which method you used to sign up. Once done click next.Enter your code

  8. Step

    Choose a password

    This needs to be 8 characters long. Once done click next.Choose a password

  9. Step

    Enter your phone number if prompted

    Twitter may need this for verification purposes. You can also tick the box to allow friends and family to find your account with your number and click next.Enter your phone number

  10. Step

    Enter the confirmation code

    You should see the code pop up in your texts. Once entered click the next button.Enter your confirmation code

  11. Step

    Go to your profile

    It’s time to customise your account! Click on the little person icon in the side bar, if you haven’t already been taken there. Profile icon

  12. Step

    Click Set Up Profile

    You can find this option directly under your header. Set Up Profile button

  13. Step

    Click the grey silhouette icon to choose your profile picture

    Or click the link below the icon to skip this step for now. Profile picture icon

  14. Step

    Click Open

    You can always change this image later. Open button

  15. Step

    Click Apply

    You can also crop your image at this stage if you’d like. Apply button

  16. Step

    Make sure you’re happy with how it looks and click Next

    This is the black bar at the bottom of the screen. Next button

  17. Step

    Or click the link below the banner to skip this step for now. Header icon

  18. Step

    You can always change this image later, too. Open button

  19. Step

    Edit the image

    Crop and adjust the image if you want to. Apply button

  20. Step

    Make sure you’re happy with your banner

    Once you’re happy with your banner, click the next icon. This is the black bar at the bottom of the screen. Next button

  21. Step

    Enter your bio

    Your bio is a short description that’ll live below your header, so type anything you want visitors to see when they click on your profile here. Enter your bio

  22. Step

    Finish editing your profile

    This is the black bar at the bottom of the screen. Next button

  23. Step

    Hit the blue feather icon to send your first tweet

    This is called the Compose Tweet button. You can find it on the side bar. Compose tweet button

  24. Step

    Enter some text and hit Tweet

    Congratulations, you just sent your first tweet! Tweet button


How do I change my username?

To change your handle, head into your Twitter settings, go to Your Account, Account Information, enter your password and click Username. Here you can enter your new username (as long as it isn’t taken).

What else can I do on Twitter?

Once you’ve mastered the art of tweeting, you can explore the rest of the features the site has to offer. This includes following other users, liking and retweeting tweets and hopping into Twitter Spaces.


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